Build Business 2008: Marketing the Experience

Marketing the Experience

Speaker: Mel Lester – The Business Edge

Favorite Quote from the Session:
“Marketing should be centered on providing value to potential clients, not inward focused or ‘selling'”

Key Takeaways

  1. Focus on the client, not yourself
  2. Our goal should be to make every encounter with a client or potential client a positive experience
  3. Service is delivering great experiences to the client
  4. The best way to sell is to serve
  5. Marketing should be centered on providing value to potential clients
  6. Don’t underestimate the impact of “service centered” marketing
  7. Service centered selling is focusing on providing value to the client before they ever hire you
  8. Time is your client’s most precious resource, don’t waste it!
  9. Bring something of value to every meeting (including sales meeting) with a existing or potential client
  10. Demonstrate your service, don’t just sell your service

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